I took my niece Lauren and her two daughters, Shelby and Ava along with her husband Jake, fishing ‘Little Sarasota Bay’ while their family is down from Memphis, Tennessee visiting.
We avoided early morning showers and managed to catch and release plenty of fish. The two young girls helped reel in several trout and a snook, and Lauren did a wonderful job reeling in this nice redfish.
All the fish were caught with live shrimp using a cork. The water is a little dark but the fish still have to eat. Good luck on the water.
I took my niece Lauren and her two daughters, Shelby and Ava along with her husband Jake, fishing ‘Little Sarasota Bay’ while their family is down from Memphis, Tennessee visiting.

My niece Lauren, along with her two daughters, Shelby and Ava, shows off a Redfish she caught.
We avoided early morning showers and managed to catch and release plenty of fish. The two young girls helped reel in several trout and a snook, and Lauren did a wonderful job reeling in this nice redfish.
All the fish were caught with live shrimp using a cork. The water is a little dark but the fish still have to eat. Here’s wishing all good luck on the water.