Capt. Brandon Naeve’s Weekly Fishing Report
These two brothers Cyrus and Kai had a banner day catching gag grouper up to 20 inch and many beautiful trout. Kudos to mom and dad who raised these polite well mannered boys. I am looking forward to seeing them again the next time they’re ready to do a little...Capt. Brandon Naeve’s Weekly Fishing Report
These two nurses got a free guided fishing trip with my compliments. I wanted to say thank these two hard working local nurses for being on the front lines saving many of our friends lives. I urge everyone to think about their fellow Americans and take a moment to put...Capt. Brandon Naeve’s Weekly Fishing Report
Brian and his two sons had a great day on the water catching over 40 fish with the highlight was this beautiful snook who decided to give Brody the thrill of his young life. FYI: because of the unusual circumstances we all find ourselves in I take particular caution...Capt. Brandon Naeve’s Weekly Fishing Report
June is the month for Tarpon fishing, it’s also the time of year when 10 to 15 lb Bonita run, so the Tarpon are being fussy so keep your eye out for the Bonita Express. I visitors from Alabama fishing with me this past week and believe me they were all smiles. The...Plugin by Social Author Bio